Fecha de publicación: 03/12/2024
Junta de examinadores:
Nombre | Papel |
ERINEUSA MARIA DA SILVA | Examinador Externo |
ILEANA WENETZ | Presidente |
Sumario: This research, entitled Physical Education, Gender and Sexuality in Early Childhood Education: discourses, practices and possibilities, aims to analyze and problematize the debate on gender and sexuality relations in teacher training and pedagogical practices, based on the discourse of Physical Education teachers in Early Childhood Education in the Municipal Network of Vitória/ES. To this end, it approaches post-structuralist studies, using the notion of discourse and power relations in Foucault (1988). The research is methodologically organized in a qualitative perspective of post-critical interpretation that “allows us to propose alternative ways of seeing and thinking about phenomena” (Gastaldo, 2012, p. 12). In this sense, it articulates bibliographical research, documentary research and descriptive-interpretative research. The bibliographical research indicates a scarcity in the academic-scientific production of postgraduate courses in Physical Education in relation to issues of gender and sexuality in Early Childhood Education in the last ten years, evidencing the need for studies that address the theme at this stage of education. In the analysis of national and municipal documents from Vitória/ES that guide Early Childhood Education, contradictions, advances, disputes and multiple resistances regarding gender and sexuality in childhood are observed; however, these documents do not delve into the issues of gender and sexuality for this stage of education. The research reveals that Physical Education professionals in Early Childhood Education face several challenges when dealing with this topic, such as the complexity of the concepts, the fear of negative reactions from family members and/or school staff and the lack of guidelines for an intentional pedagogical approach. Despite the difficulties, educators show interest in discussing gender issues in their practices, but sexuality is identified as a complex and delicate topic. The results of this research highlight the urgency of developing studies and training proposals that promote a more in-depth and critical discussion about gender and sexuality in Early Childhood Education. In this work, we affirm that it is urgent to expand discussions of gender and sexuality with Physical Education teachers regarding Early Childhood Education. We believe that these issues can contribute to the construction of practices, educational proposals and training processes that contemplate a more diverse and plural perception, affected by the right to difference.
Keywords: Gender; Sexuality; Children; Physical Education; Early Childhood Education.