Fecha de publicación: 01/08/2024

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Nombreorden descendente Papel


Sumario: The Brazilian National Health System has been configured as a locus of activity for Physical Education Professionals, especially in the scope of primary care. However, the literature indicates that there are gaps to be filled when looking at the representation of these professionals in public health. Even if not exclusively, the relationship between Body Practices and Physical Activities and the area of Physical Education creates a positive interface for the performance of these professionals in the Health System due to the different public policies that encourage the implementation of actions aimed at health promotion, aiming a change in the health care paradigm, which tends to be prescriptive, medicated and centered on the figure of the medical professional. In this sense, the objectives of this research included the analysis of the occupation panorama of these professionals in the primary care health teams and also of the actions related to Body Practices and Physical Activities throughout the territory of the State of Espírito Santo, in addition to understand the aspects of a normative nature that are configured as factors that may influence the process of insertion of Physical Education Professionals, such as laws, decrees and ordinances that guide the actions to be implemented in the National Health System since the creation and reformulation of health policies. To reach this objective, this research was conducted using a qualitative approach, with exploratory, descriptive and interpretative characteristics, which used methods of mapping the distribution of Physycal Education Professionals that work in health teams throughout the territory of Espírito Santo, in addition to documentary analysis of the instruments legal-normative provisions that support health policies and programs, as well as the state and municipal health plans. The results indicated that there was the register of 128 Physical Education Professionals in Health in 25 (32%) of the 78 municipalities, while two municipalities together comprehend 93 professionals, and the remaining 35 are distributed across the other 23 municipalities. Body Practices and Physical Activities had Physical Education Professionals as responsible for 94% of the actions, which reinforces the relationship between this professional category and health promotion actions based on these practices. However, there were inconsistencies between the municipalities studied. The documentary analysis regarding normative aspects indicated that, at least in the bureaucratic environment, the aspects historically constructed related to health promotion practices contemplate both the possibility of implementing Body Practices and Physical Activities as care production strategies and the possibility of inclusion of Physical Education Professionals to carry out these practices, which suggests a favorable inclination towards the inclusion of these professionals. However, these practices related to health promotion were incipient in the State and Municipal Health Plans, which indicates the need to create an environment in which the insertion of Physical Education Professionals in Health would be, in fact, included in the processes of planning by municipal management teams, and that can be promoted by the state management.

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