Fecha de publicación: 15/12/2023

Junta de examinadores:

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ERINEU FOERSTE Examinador Externo
TARCÍSIO MAURO VAGO Examinador Externo

Sumario: The present study is the result of intense reflections on the prescribed curricula that goes ready to the schools, especially in the case of rural schools that coexist with such unique realities in their rural surroundings and that sometimes this is not addressed or valued in the curricular documents. In this way, it is intended to understand how the Physical Education as a curricular component is conceived in the documents that guide the educational practices of CEIERs (Integrated State Centers of Rural Education of Espírito Santo), as well as to analyze the consonances and dissonances among the writings of these documents with the realities experienced by the interlocutors in their pedagogical routine. The objectives of this study are related to each other in order to understand the place of Education in the CEIERs, correlating with the experiences of those who build the history of these Rural Education Centers, in addition to, establishing parallels with the work of Physical Education in relation to the work of Physical Education in a peasant context. For this purpose, this study has strong influences to be characterized as a case study, as it perceives the uniqueness of these rural education centers in the geographical limits of the state of Espírito Santo. The study relied on document analysis and interviews to access the data in order to promote the triangulation among the information brought in the documents, the speeches of the students and the speech of the Physical Education teacher. For that reason, the approach of this study is qualitative because it works with the experiences of the subjects in their individuality and unique context; providing moments of speech and sensitive listening about each subject's perceptions about the space studied. To obtain this data, the Basic Curriculum of Espírito Santo, the Pedagogical Proposal (PPP/PP) and the Institutional Development Plan (PDI) were selected as guiding documents, as well as photos, records and others that recall the history of the CEIERs over its 40 years. The findings show us that Physical Education arrives on a small scale for CEIER High School and, that the singularities of the peasant individuals hardly gain space in the prescribed curriculum, since the curriculum is unified for urban and rural schools. In sum, this study is exploratory of a field that is little discussed, which is Physical Education in Rural Education. Therefore, the perspective is that new and urgent research addresses the theme, praising the voice of peasant individuals who fight for their cultures, customs, ways, knowledge and practices to be at the center of academic debates, as well as in the curricula that reach Brazilian schools.

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