Fecha de publicación: 28/02/2019

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Junta de examinadores:

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IVAN MARCELO GOMES Internal Examiner *
MARCOS GARCIA NEIRA External Examiner *

Sumario: The University Pedagogy is a field which has been intensified, in the past two decades, the reflexions and criticisms about the political-epistemological bases which substantiated the teaching practices in the Higher Education, still considered quite traditional and elitist. In the field of Physical Education (PE) there is a shortage of studies which dwell on university teaching. This reflexions become even more urgent in the current context of expansion of access to the Higher Education, which allowed the ingress of students of the “new working class”, with social experiences and different identities of the student ideal which the university practices tend to value. It is known that the advancement of Higher Education in Brazil was, predominantly, by the private sector, including the mercanthile condition, which in treating the Higher Education as a private and profitable good, deepens the precariousness of the teaching work, which makes it difficult to invest in new curricular and pedagogical experiences necessary to meet the quality requirements in the formation of these students. Accordingly, the objective of this paper was to comprehend the panorama of the privatization of the undergraduate courses in PE in the State of Espírito Santo, as well as the routine of the didactic- pedagogical practices of the lecturers who act in the private Higher Education Institutions (IESs), which are the spaces that serve the most the students of popular origin. Therefore, a qualitative research was made, divided in two steps: in the first, a documental research was realized having as a source the sites of INEP and MEC, which disclose the insformations of the Census of Higher Education in Brazil and the relatories of ENADE, which inform the social and economic profile of the students who attend the undergraduate courses in PE in the Estate of Espírito Santo. In the second step of the research, which consisted in comprehend the routine of the didactic-pedagogical practices of the undergraduate courses in PE of the private sector, 21 (twenty-one) lecturers of undergraduate courses in PE of the regions of Greater Vitória and the countryside of the State were interviewed. All information were interpreted in light of Praxeological Theory Of Pierre Bourdieu and the critical contributions of Bernard Lahire. The results showed that 96% of undergraduate courses in PE offered across the State are in the private network, besides a clear inequality of access between the capital and the countryside. The profile of the students attending these courses is predominantly workers, with income of up to 6 (six) minimum wages, coming from public schools and children of parents with low and medium schooling. The lecturers report allowed to capture that their work is realized, in most times, in a context of precarity, materialized in a hourly work regime, with a big amount of subjects, pressures of ENADE and lack of pedagogical autonomy, situations which become even more dramatics in institutions of mercantile character. About the daily routine in the classroom, they relate that they deal with students with a lot of difficulties in reading, writing and organizing the study routine. Their teaching identities are quite heterogenous, both as regards the conceptions which they have about the PE and the objectives of the higher formation, as in their ways of seeing and facing the system precariety. About the didactic-pedagogical practices, even though they report strategies of action which aim to break with traditional practices of teaching, predominates the dicotomic conception between theory and practice, as well as breeding practices of the traditional teaching habitus which keep the relations of social domination.

Keywords: University Pedagogy, Physical Education, Professors Training, Privatization.

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