Tipo: MSc dissertation
Fecha de publicación: 14/07/2017
Nombre | Papel |
Junta de examinadores:
Nombre | Papel |
AMARÍLIO FERREIRA NETO | Internal Examiner * |
DIRCE MARIA CORREA DA SILVA | External Examiner * |
Sumario: The dissertation investigates the social representations that practitioners - adolescents and teachers - of the School of Sports of Vitória / ES built on this social project. The objectives of the research are: a) to identify the central nucleus of the social representations of the practitioners on the Sports School project; b) to understand, from this nucleus, the different senses built by the adolescents and teachers in their relations with the sports practices offered by the project; c) discuss, based on the social representations of its practitioners, pedagogical reorientations for the School of Sports. It is a descriptive-interpretive research, anchored in the Theory of Social Representations, focusing on the Central Core of these representations. The data were produced through semi-structured interviews, carried out with 108 adolescents of the project and with 7 teachers who work in it. Subsequently, the interviews were described, programmed and submitted to the Iramuteq software, which generated the following analysis tools: word cloud, similarity analysis and descending hierarchical classification. Complementing the data systematized by the software, excerpts from the interviewees' statements were used, which were interpreted by the Content Analysis. The data produced indicate the word play as the central nucleus of the social representations of the adolescents and the word sport as the central nucleus of the social representations of the teachers. From these nuclei derive the different meanings attributed by the practitioners to the project. We can see convergences between the social representations of adolescents and teachers, especially regarding the valuation of training and sports competition. Based on the interviewees' speech, these dimensions are not contradictory to the development of social inclusion, respect and autonomy, values advocated by the project. Although convergent, there is a mismatch between the expectations of adolescents regarding sports practice and the way in which the modalities are offered, especially with regard to pedagogical progression, signaling the need for pedagogical reorientation in the way of conducting the teaching work in the project.
Keywords: Social project. Sport. Social representations. Practitioners.