Fecha de publicación: 23/03/2017

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Junta de examinadores:

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ADILSON MARQUES External Examiner *
RODRIGO LUIZ VANCINI Internal Examiner *

Sumario: Introduction: There are some immediate benefits that the practice of physical activity can bring to children and adolescents, one of them being the health related physical fitness. Among these benefits we can highlight improvements in flexibility, muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness. Despite the benefits the practice of physical activity brings to health, many studies have demonstrated that the percentage of young people whit insufficient levels of physical activity is high. From projects within the physical education classes and extracurricular activities, the schools can play an important role in creating healthy habits and improving adolescent’s cardio respiratory fitness. However, although school-age adolescents may be involved in some kind of physical activity during classes, this does not guarantee they may be experiencing physical efforts adequate intensities and periods of time sufficient to induce physiological adaptations to focused on healthy. Objective: To compare the anthropometric variables and cardiopulmonary responses among school-age adolescents who practice physical education and those who, together with this activity, are part of the sports training program offered by the school. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 21 non-athlete adolescents (12 girls and 9 boys) and 24 athletes (8 girls and 16 boys), aged 14 to 15 years. Beyond cardiopulmonary fitness, adolescents were submitted to weight, height, fat percentage, physical activity level, sexual maturation and flexibility test. The cardiopulmonary exercise test was performed on an ergometric treadmill (Inbrasport Super ATL, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), using the Metalyzer 3B Cortex gas analyzer. Statistical analysis was used Student's t-test for comparisons between groups, and the statistical significance was p <0.05. Results: No significant differences were found between the athlete and non-athlete groups for the anthropometric variables, regardless of sex. However, the group of male athletes presented better VO2 máx. results. When compared to the non-athlete group, the same did not occur with the girls. Conclusion: It was concluded that only the boys from the Athlete Group had higher cardiorespiratory fitness when compared to the Group of non-athletes, suggesting the influence of the sports training on the results.

Keywords: Adolescents, School children, Physical fitness.

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