Publication date: 30/03/2016

Examining board:

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LUCIANA CARLETTI Internal Examiner *

Summary: The steady state is the intrinsic body adjustments to maintain the balance of energy substrates exercise for muscle contraction. During the exercise of moderate intensity or below the anaer-obic threshold, this happens with physiological variables as reported in classical literature. Studies that measured blood lactate showed steady state, but is still not clear in the literature which ventilatory variables can define the steady state in intensities that is considered imbalance as the ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT), and respiratory compensation point (RCP). The objectives was: a) to describe the behavior of different variables in cardiopulmonary exercise sessions with racing constant speeds, corresponding to the intensities of vVATcpx and vPCRcpx, identifying the steady state. b) To compare the values recorded in CPX with sessions on values on vVATsession vRCPsession. A quasi-experimental cross-sectional study with nine elite athletes (EA) and nine non-athletes (NA), trained in street race was selected. He carried out three visits to the laboratory. First, application of CPX testing until volitional exhaustion to identify the ventilatory thresholds and VO2max. Second, a maximum of 1 hour workout at the speed of VAT and third, a workout at the speed of RCP to fatigue, with continuous measurement of exhaled gases (Cortex Metalyzer 3B) and heart rate (Polar®). Two criteria was used for identification of steady state: 1- variations of 5%, 6%, 5.5% and 3% use to VO2, VCO2, VE, RER, respec-tively, and one way ANOVA with significance at p ≤ 0.05. A continuous workout with constant speed on the relative intensities of the VAT and RCP demonstrated similarities in the steady state behavior in the ventilatory and metabolic variables except for RER and RF in vVAT, and the VE and HR in the AE groups and NA respectively (p ≤ 0.05). The VAT session showed less consistent with the figures in the CPX testing, compared to RCP session, which showed better agreement for both groups. It was possible to identify the steady state for ventilatory variables in a workout at the speed the VAT and the RCP and this phenomenon occurred re-gardless of the physical performance level.

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