Publication date: 02/12/2024

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Summary: This study aims to foster and reflect, from a collaborative-critical perspective, the constitutive process and legacy of Permanent Training for Physical Education teachers in the city of Governador Valadares/MG, based on the problematization of inclusion, social markers of difference, and intersectionality. To this end, the following specific objectives were defined: a) To map and reflect on what has been developed in the main academic productions (dissertations and theses) of the Brazilian postgraduate course in Physical Education in terms of: teacher/Permanent training, inclusion, and difference, notably from an intersectional perspective; b) To know and problematize the training profile of the participants to act from the perspective of inclusion; c) To know and problematize collectively the perception of those involved in relation to what they consider to be challenges, tensions, and advances that cross the materialization of these themes in Physical Education classes; d) Collectively produce and problematize situations considered limit situations and possible (viable and new) formative actions for an inclusive pedagogical praxis; e) Understand and problematize the movements produced and the respective legacies produced in/by the process of permanent training of Physical Education Teachers promoted in this study. The study adopts as theoretical and methodological perspectives a dialogue between different approaches, including the existential action research proposed by Barbier (2002; 2007), the collaborative-critical action research, according to the works of Jesus, Vieira and Effgen (2014), and the dialogical, problematizing and social justice-oriented assumptions defended by Freire. This articulation aims to deepen the investigative process by integrating existential, collaborative and critical perspectives, committed to a transformative and reflective praxis. Supported by these references, we structured training processes in collective/dialogical communities in a reflective and critical way, taking as a reference for data production the idea of Collective Researchers and their theoretical-methodological tools of sensitive listening and procedural development in a spiral of action-reflection-action, both supported by Barbier (2002; 2007), in addition to the concepts of implication and elaboration by Macedo (2012). For data triangulation, we used the teachers' narratives about the themes of inclusion, difference and intersectionality, in three different moments: namely, the focus group/discussion meeting, the development of the training meetings and the final seminar (Culture Circle). The findings reveal that, in the field of academic production, there is a gap in research focused on the intersectional debate of difference. In the empirical investigation, the data indicate that the profile of the investigated collective is materialized as teachers who recognize the importance of both inclusion and the intersectional theme of difference. However, they claim that they are not prepared, encouraged, or qualified to develop practices on these topics in their daily lives. The importance of training practices that value the realities and voices of educators is recognized in order to transform pedagogical practice in terms of inclusion, difference, and intersectionality. The legacy of these trainings is seen as crucial to reconfiguring future, more progressive practices. In view of this, it is urgent to conduct new empirical research that values knowledge originating in schools, promotes collaboration between universities and schools, and addresses invisible issues in physical education, contributing to overcoming inequalities and oppression.

Keywords: Physical education, Permanent training, Paulo Freire, Inclusion, Difference and intersectionality

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