Publication date: 30/08/2024

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Summary: Interval training (IT) consists of exercise sessions with intensities above the lactate threshold or critical power, interspersed with active or passive rest intervals. The primary goal of IT is to enable the performance of a greater amount of work at high intensity compared to a single continuous session. In the context of soccer, a sport that combines low to moderate intensity activities with high-intensity actions, IT can improve both aerobic performance and the ability to perform repeated sprints. Among the main types of IT, there are Short Interval IT and Long Interval IT. Each type of IT may have distinct effects on physical fitness and affective responses in soccer players. Therefore, the general aim of this dissertation is to compare the effects of short vs. long IT protocols on the physical fitness and pleasure perceptions of young soccer players. Twenty-four male soccer players in the U-15 category (aged 14 to 15 years) participated in the study. The training protocols lasted for 7 weeks, with sessions held twice a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays), and included two evaluation periods (pre- and post training). The evaluations conducted were the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test, the Bipodal Horizontal Jump, and the Unipodal Horizontal Jump. The long interval training protocol consisted of 3 sets of 3 minutes with intensity ranging from 80-90% of the final speed achieved in the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (vIFT). The short interval training protocol consisted of 3 sets of 3 minutes, with 20 seconds of effort followed by 10 seconds of recovery, totaling 3 minutes, with intensity ranging from 100-110% of vIFT. A passive recovery of 1 minute and 30 seconds was taken between each set in both protocols. The sessions were always conducted after the team’s usual training session (game-based). At the beginning of the fifth week, the 30-15 IFT was reapplied to adjust the intensity of the sessions. In all training sessions of both groups, subjective effort perception (PSE 0-10) and session time (minutes) were recorded. From this, internal load, monotony, and strain indices were calculated. At the end of the training period, the Feeling Scale, a questionnaire analyzing players' pleasure in performing both short IT and long IT, was administered. The main finding was that both short and long IT protocols improved the distance in the bipodal horizontal jump, the unipodal horizontal jump on the right leg, and final speed in the 30-15 IFT test. Only the short IT increased the unipodal horizontal jump on the left leg, but without differences between groups. No differences in internal load, monotony, and strain were observed between the IT protocols. However, the short IT group reported greater pleasure in practice compared to the long IT group. In conclusion, both training programs improved aerobic fitness and horizontal jump performance, but the short IT group experienced greater pleasure in practice.

Keywords: sports science; sports training; physical performance; team sport.

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