Publication date: 16/12/2022

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Summary: In Early Childhood Education, the first stage of Basic Education in Brazil, dance is present, mostly, on festive days and in presentations, through choreographies externally guided by the teacher, with steps and gestures mechanized by the child, inhibiting its production authorship and your creativity. Thus, children`s protagonism is left aside, highlighting the adult-centric view of this art. In addition, dance appears in dissonance with the specific curricular dynamics of Early Childhood Education, which presupposes the articulation of this cultural manifestation with other areas of knowledge, fields of experience, languages and subjects. Thus, the general objective of this research is to analyze, through a pedagogical experience, the challenges and possibilities for the mediation of popular dances in the context of Early Childhood Education. It is a combination of two types of research: Existential Action Research and Bibliographic Research. In the Bibliographic Research, a survey and analysis of the academic production of Brazilian postgraduate studies on dance in Early Childhood Education were carried out. For this, the Theses and Dissertations Catalog of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) was used. For the analysis of the works found, the following bibliometric indicators were used: temporal flow, areas of knowledge, regions and institutions, authorship and methodologies used. The thematic analysis was carried out highlighting the focus of each production. The Existential Action-Research was developed in a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education (CMEI) in the city of Vitória/ES, with a group of 25 five-year-old children. The research took place between August and December 2021, totaling 19 trips to the CMEI and 38 meetings with the children, each meeting lasting 50 minutes. The mediations valued the children`s agencies and the articulation of dance with the curricular dynamics of the CMEI, taking into account a decolonial curriculum, emphasizing ethnic-racial issues of confronting racism. As instruments for data production, photographic records, field diary notes and portfolio production were used, containing planning of pedagogical practices, as well as the products of the actions carried out with the children during the mediations. The data produced were interpreted in the light of Sociology of Childhood and Studies with Daily Life. The results of the Bibliographic Research brought a total of 22 dissertations and 2 theses, which appear in greater numbers and with greater regularity from the year 2009, distributed in different postgraduate programs (Education, Arts, Physical Education, Dance and Psychology ) from different Brazilian regions, with the exception of the North and Midwest of the country. In addition, there was a predominance of public institutions and women as authors of these works, highlighting the interest in investigating dance teaching practices and methods, articulating the initial and continuing training of teachers. In the Existential Action Research, data analysis was carried out based on three categories: children`s agencies, curricular articulation and ethnic-racial relations. The following popular dances were worked on: Congo, Jongo, Boi de Goiabeiras or Boi Estrela, Capoeira and Maculelê. During the mediations with these popular demonstrations, the children`s protagonism during the process was evidenced, valuing dance based on the creation of the children themselves, without steps externally guided by the Teacher. In addition to children`s protagonism, the articulation of dance with other languages present in Early Childhood Education, such as music, dramatization, storytelling and visual arts, was also evidenced. During the research, ethnic-racial issues were also valued, emphasizing Afro-Brazilian and African cultures, as a way of valuing the black matrices present in our culture and promoting an anti-racist education. Different ways of working with dance in the daily life of Early Childhood Education were carried out, carrying out this work in an integrated way with the Institutional Project of CMEI, in a contextualized and coherent way with the curricular dynamics of this first stage of Basic Education. Challenges were also found during the execution of the research, regarding the articulation with other CMEI professionals due to the lack of a specific time for planning between these professionals, thus hindering the interaction of dance with other languages. We highlight the importance of valuing everyday life as a locus of knowledge production and social relations of interaction between children, between children and adults and between children and the theme being worked on. We emphasize the importance of more research that approaches dance in a non-mechanized way, bringing this corporal and artistic practice in an articulated way with other languages and valuing the protagonism of children.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education. Popular dances. Physical Education. Child.

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