Type: PhD thesis
Publication date: 15/02/2019
Examining board:
Name | Role |
FELIPE QUINTÃO DE ALMEIDA | Internal Examiner * |
UEBERSON RIBEIRO ALMEIDA | External Examiner * |
Summary: Reflects about the presence of "research with the quotidian in the field of Physical Education (PE). Understanding this perspective as a movement that, gestated in the broader field of Education, seeks other ways of looking at the school and what is produced in it, thus differentiating itself from the conventional researches about this everyday life (FERRAÇO, 2001). It understands that the incorporation of this investigative current is a reflection of the plurality of references that has come to be present in the area, expressing, particularly, aspects of those productions that seek to offer in the scope of pedagogical research alternative paths to the problems arising from a hierarchical relationship between the learners academic knowledge. It situates the peculiarity of this perspective in aspects such as: the assumption of a political stance of defense / bet on daily life; the radicalization of an epistemology of quotidian; and also the discontinuity with the classical research methodologies. In spite of any agreement with part of the critical diagnosis that motivates the adoption of these theoretical-methodological assumptions in PE, the way in which the suggested variations have materialized in the research actions carried out, as well as in the productions and proposals submitted. It examines the hypothesis that the promoted renewal attempt may have implications for the construction of a pedagogical theorization in PE, mainly due to a position that seems to do without the adoption of broader normative referents for the analysis of school everyday. Methodologically, it operates a theoretical study, based on a research of the "state of knowledge" type carried out in the fields of Education and PE (FERREIRA, 2002). Mapping and analyzing, in relation to PE, the works published in the proceedings of the Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (CONBRACE), from 2007 to 2017, and the publications of five periodicals dedicated to the subject of school PE. It constructs categories of analysis that, in order to thematize the research configurations in / with / with the daily "in" and "from" PE, tangentiam aspects as the particularities of the visions made visible, highlighting their potential for the construction of a pedagogical theory of PE. It discusses some concepts present in the works of Axel Honneth and Hannah Arendt, choosing the notions of normative reconstruction (HONNETH, 2015) and natality (ARENDT, 2009) as keys to reading. It defends the thesis that the type of production of knowledge observed in the "researches with the quotidian" from the PE can generate a kind of deficit in the pedagogical theorization of the discipline, mainly, due to the absence of a characterization of the work empirical study that is committed to an effort to contextualize the practices investigated in its institutional aspects. It bases this thesis by pointing out the contradiction between the proposition of a "theory of practices" of the perspective in question and the weaknesses derived from the way in which the ideas are made, in the sense of not consistently enabling the construction of other modes of legitimize the school PE.
Key-words: Physical education. Research with the quotidian. Academic production. Theoretical deficit.