Publication date: 21/12/2018

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Examining board:

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ANDRÉ DA SILVA MELLO Internal Examiner *
WAGNER DOS SANTOS Internal Examiner *

Summary: In the context of daily school studies, this thesis is organized around the following questions: what have been the prescriptions, academic-scientific productions and daily practices constituted and signaled about Physical Education in high school? What are the possible, absent, and incipient knowledges / doings in the spaces / times of the daily life of Physical Education in high school? Who are the practicing subjects and the spaces / times, including in their spatial syntaxes, of Physical Education in the daily life of high school? And what are the uses, consumptions and possibilities of practicing daily physical education in high school from the triple movement of pedagogical action between researcher, teacher and students, in this tensional scenario of changes in the Brazilian schooling project? With this, it aims to give visibility and to understand how the daily in Physical Education is being fabricated considering the scientific practices, curricular prescriptions, spatial syntaxes and knowledge / practices in the space / time of a high school in this tensional context of changes influenced by sociopolitical aspects. It was decided to organize the paths of this research in a pluri-methodological way. In Chapter 1 presents the general organization of the study, the thesis, and the central objectives. In Chapter 2, a research of the state of knowledge in the field of Education and Physical Education is carried out in search of the redundancies, idioms and fragilities that exist on the subject. In Chapter 3, the office of the historian is rescued and a research of the document type is undertaken, analyzing 14 state curricular proposals. Subsequently, in Chapter 4, considering the relevance of cyberspace as daily syntax, a netnography was developed in the social networks youtube, facebook, twitter and instagram, in order to capture the discursive practices carried out by the subjects on the changes in course in high school. Finally, Chapters 5 and 6 constitute the period of insertion in the daily life of a secondary school. In order to do so, we proceeded to the respective combination of research techniques, ethnographic case study and existential research-action, option that made possible the analysis and production shared with the school community, allowing to understand the knowledge / practices possible in the space/time of Physical Education of the high school. Thus, it was possible to develop practices in Physical Education subsidized by daily reading, but without disregarding the resonances, mainly of socio-political nature, that affect the Brazilian schooling project, whose high school has a strategic place.

Key words: Midle School. Physical Educaticon. Daily. Changes. Subjects. Knowledges.

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